In this animated video, Aruba tells the big picture story of how a single network can now connect, support and secure any device.
Here’s what we know about IoT devices:
- They use different connectivity types and communication protocols
- They are fundamentally untrustworthy with IoT gateways obscuring visibility
- Integrating them with business processes is complex.
Here’s what has changed with the latest Wi-Fi 6 Access Points:
- BLE and Zigbee radios are built-in to support a broad range of IoT devices
- A USB adapter further expands IoT communication options to include the EnOcean wireless standard, electronic shelf labels, and a host of proprietary IoT protocols including SOLUM, Hanshow and SES-imagotag
- There is no longer a need for complicated overlay networks or additional hardware.
But how are these capabilities translating to real-world IT, IoT and OT network improvements?
- The above very-new animated video tells the big picture story of how a single network can now connect, support and secure any device
- This technically-swayed solution overview dives into how your access points can become your IoT platform.